Art4Life strives to provide quality care for as many families as possible at all of our schools while abiding by the rules and regulations of the Oregon Early Learning Division. Our intent is to be fair with our enrollment process.
Most Art4Life locations fill up fast! Families already enrolled in Art4Life programs have until the last day of school to submit their completed registration forms to be included in the first lottery. If there is still space available for new families to enroll, there is a second lottery of new families to determine the order of enrollment.
- Scholarships are available to eligible families. For an application, please download from the enrollment or forms page.
Enrollment packets can be downloaded on or around April 1st. If we are full at a location, we carefully maintain a waiting list which usually clears within the first month or two. This is not guaranteed, however. Please submit a completed enrollment packet if you would like to be on the waiting list.
- Our enrollment packet and included fee schedules are found on each of the school’s page.
Why can’t we enroll everyone who needs care?
Art4Life is licensed by the Early Learning Division of Oregon and acts in accordance with the State’s guidelines and approval.
- Portland Public Schools offers Art4Life certain spaces to rent inside of their schools and the Early Learning Division must approve those spaces. Each room has a maximum occupancy that we cannot exceed.
- The Early Learning Division also sets a maximum ratio of 15 children per teacher. It is unlawful for us to exceed this ratio at any given time.
How does enrollment work?
Enrollment packets can be downloaded on or around April 1st.
- Parents can return or email their enrollment packets.
Please include a check, cash or money order, bill pay to cover all enrollment fees and, if your child is new to the program, the first month’s tuition. - Returning families have priority in enrollment until the last day of school.
- We cannot guarantee that all returning students will be offered a spot for the following year because availability may change from year to year.
- After the last day of school, if there is room in the program, new students will be moved off the waiting list and into the program.
- If the program is full, you will be notified no later than July 1 and all payments will be returned. This includes the $100 enrollment fee and the first month’s tuition.
- Acceptance e-mails will be sent no later than July 1.
- The waiting list will be maintained throughout the summer and the school year. If any of the days that you requested become available, you will be notified and your child will be able to start on those days immediately.
How does the waiting list work?
- Any child who does not get a spot in the program will automatically be added to the waiting list.
- The waiting list will be maintained throughout the summer and the school year. If any of the days that you requested open up, you will be notified.
- Note that different mornings and afternoons fill up sooner than others.
- Placement on the waiting list will differ for different days. It is possible that a child can be enrolled for Mondays and Fridays, be first on the waiting list for Tuesday, be twelfth on the waiting list for Wednesday and be eighth on the waiting list for Thursday.